Happy Weekend and Welcome 2016

1/01/2016 01:41:00 PM

Source: Pinterest

This weekend: Happy New Year and last weekend at home :(

  • Ugh, I'm not ready for the holidays to end, but I am ready for the new year to begin.
  • According to my grandparents, you are not supposed to spend money on the 1st of the year because it sets a bad precedent for the rest of the year, but if I could: {1} (I want this sooo bad!), {2}, and {3}.
  • Being healthier, exercising more, losing weight, blah blah blah are all such cliche resolutions, but I did get a Fitbit for Christmas so I guess I'll jump on that bandwagon again.
  • And finally, new year, new recipe: 5 minute easy sweet bread.
Have a great weekend!

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