Seawheeze 2015

8/18/2015 01:42:00 PM

...This was our first Seawheeze/half marathon and it was awesome! I did better than I thought (considering my goal was to just finish), and I have to say, the first 6 miles of the marathon was the easiest run of my life (thanks to great weather and adrenaline)...

...The view from our hotel room was pretty stinkin' awesome. It was even better at night and made waking up at 5am every day way more bearable...

...On Friday, we waited > 3 hours to get into the showcase store. It was disappointing for Nick since there weren't very many men's items and I was less than impressed with what was there (I guess I wasn't a fan of the bug print anyways; I'd just want to swat at them all the time). In comparison, last year's prints and styles were way better (based on what I've seen on the internets)...

...Despite my disappointment, I still managed to spend too much money...

...On race day, I had to check my phone, so I didn't get any cool route pics. The convention center was the best I could do...

...Grapefruit was the color choice for my race day outfit. I even found Lulu sweat cuffs at my local store before I left...

...A gold carrot medal for my troubles. I initially thought it was a bumble bee or a bug of some sort in my post-run daze...

...I have a pretty unflattering picture of me pretending to collapse at the finish line, but I won't post that. Instead, I'll post this nice pic of our celebratory drinks at dinner (they were accompanied by steaks and chocolate lava cake - we deserved it)...

...Finally, we left early Sunday morning (so we could pick up the dogs) and after getting them settled back home, I promptly limped to the mall to buy new running shoes because my Stellas were not made for running long marathons. If I had trained harder, I would've known. Oh well, next year will be better...

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